
The Provisional Regulation of Air Traffic in Switzerland (Decree of the Federal Military Department of July 18, 1919, AS 35 640) stipulates in Article 1 “Provisional conditions for admission to air traffic in Switzerland”, figure 2:

“Commercial undertakings (air transport of passengers and goods), operation of aerodromes, flying schools, aerial photography and cinematography, must be entered in the Swiss commercial register.”

The Federal Council Decision of January 27, 1920 on the Regulation of Air Traffic in Switzerland (AS 36 171) changed this provision in Section E. Commercial air transport, Article 17, as follows:

“Companies for the execution of commercial air transport in or to Switzerland have to be registered in the Swiss register of commerce.”


The Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SHAB) constitutes the only official source that provides complete chronological information on aviation companies employed in commercial activities in Switzerland.

The following link can be used to search for company registrations in the SHAB:


The repertories hereafter, commercial aviation undertakings established in Switzerland are listed in chronological order of  entry. Other aviation undertakings never registered in the SHAB are mentioned as far as known.

After the Second World War, the Federal Air Office published the first periodic lists of Swiss companies approved for commercial air transport (here).

In addition to the listed companies, numerous other airline projects existed, described in the articles hereafter:


Last modification 2023.01.20. – DR