Air Law

Before the First World War, supervision of aircraft traffic in Switzerland was limited to customs controls. Their execution was primarily the responsibility of the responsible cantonal police.

Based on Article 17 of the Ordinance of August 4, 1914 on the Handling of Switzerland’s Neutrality, the Military Department decreed on July 18, 1919 the “Provisional Air Traffic Regulation in Switzerland” (AS 35 640) to facilitate air traffic. The regulations that came into force on August 1, 1919 concerned, in particular, the licensing of Swiss aircraft and pilots.

In addition, on August 1, 1919, the military department issued the “Provisional Regulations for Air Traffic in Switzerland” (AS 35 643). It contained the first traffic rules for the operation as well as for the supervision of the aircraft.

On April 1, 1920, the “Order of the Federal Council of January 27, 1920 concerning the regulation of air traffic in Switzerland” (AS 36 171) came into force, which repealed the aforementioned regulations of the military department. According to Article 4, Paragraph 1, “The supervision of air traffic and the entire aviation sector is exercised by the Federal Council.”

The “Regulations of the Federal Council of January 24, 1921 concerning aircraft movements above and on water” (AS 37 77) completed the first Swiss aviation regulations. The coming into force of the “Swiss Federal Law of December 21, 1948 on Air Navigation” (LFG, SR 748.0) repealed both provisions on June 15, 1950, only.


Last modification 2021.01.12. – DR